• A shipping crate?

    No! It's a BloomsBox. Thanks to the clever 3-in-1 concept, you transform the shipping box into a cool planter with water reservoir in no time. That's how we save packaging waste.

  • Engrave your logo

    Stay in view with your brand for months on end in a sustainable way! Our plants only need water once a month. So even without green fingers, you will enjoy this gift for a long time!

  • Blooms out of the Box: groen doen voelt goed.

    Refreshingly sustainable

    We love happy customers and even more love a beautiful world. That's why we always opt for sustainable and social. That feels good!

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Zo werkt de BloomsBox

  1. Kies die BloomsBox die bij je past
    Personaliseer deze met een leuke tekst en wij verzorgen de rest.
  2. Verras iemand met dit unieke 3-in-1 relatiegeschenk
    De gelukkige ontvanger hoeft alleen maar het kistje open te maken, de plantjes uit te pakken en de BloomsBox te vullen met water.
  3. Sta maandenlang in de spotlights
    De planten blijven mooi fris en groen omdat ze maar 1 keer per maand water nodig hebben. Dat is lang genieten!

Make a natural impression

The sustainable business gift that will remain in the spotlight for a long time

With our BloomsBox you give much more than plants as a gift. The BloomsBox is a CO2-neutral (business) gift. Due to conscious choice of materials, our product has the lowest possible impact on the environment and the highest possible impact on your relationships. Our BloomsBoxes are packed with love and care in collaboration with sheltered workshops. In this way we offer people with a distance to the labor market a healthy and meaningful working environment. If you give a BloomsBox as a gift, then you are contributing to a sustainable and social world..

Would you like to know more about our positive impact?

Rate our customers!

The Bloomsbox is strikingly different and the perfect promotional gift for organizations with a focus on sustainability. It is not without reason that our customers rate us highly and we win various awards in the world of business gifts.

“We have already had very nice reactions from colleagues who wanted to send the BloomsBox . Last week many colleagues also came to us with the beautiful and sweet reactions they received from the recipients. The 150 BloomBoxes were very popular. Nice that a backorder has come through for you, it's a beautiful product!”

Birgit Johansson

asr mortgages

“The concept behind the BloomsBox immediately appealed to us, everything was handled smoothly from start to finish. Blooms out of the Box had the gifts delivered directly to our customers and we were then spontaneously contacted by several customers with very positive reactions! Especially the durability was really appreciated.”

Jessica Zonnekeyn

Fern Valley NV (Belgium)